About TEAM Society

Objavljeno: 27.2.2014. u 22:34
Prikaza: 6188
Autor: Administrator

About TEAM Society

The International TEAM Society is a non-profit scientific association. It was founded in 2009 with the aim of providing an academic forum for the practice oriented, central-european institutions to raise interest for technical, education, agriculture and management sciences. The establishment of the network was to gather the academic laboratories, public organizations and industrial players to share new scientific results and best practices in order to build a common Central-European scientific culture in the nominated fields. Thus, to improve the facilities for cooperation, TEAM Society was founded with the following objectives:

  • promoting the applied research activity for linking university and industry
  • spreading scientific information
  • developing international network

To reach these goals, one of the major achievements is the conference of the TEAM Society in every second year, devoted to exchange experience and learn from each other. It also means that TEAM is dedicated to increase the membership of the Society and the number of participants to our conferences, improve the scientific quality of the research works and develop activities in the education area, e.g., organizing blended courses, summers schools, etc. At the present time we have to go ahead to make substantial efforts in creating new professional events and develop stronger cooperation with the partner institutions to encourage student and researcher exchange. Webinars, thematic workshops, benchmark applications, student team work, special online courses, international weeks and much more are all in the future plans to accelerate the ’TEAM Work’ between the partner institutes and the potential new members.